Thermory Alder Air Vent

Alder, Sauna, Ventilation Grille, .5" x 5.9" x 7.5"

Alder Air Vent

This ventilation grille by Thermory addresses your sauna ventilation requirements by allowing fresh air to circulate within your sauna room. This helps eliminate fatigue and improves relaxation. Natural Alder wood is beautiful and durable. Also available in Aspen and Thermo-Aspen.

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This ventilation grille by Thermory helps introduce fresh air into your sauna experience. This helps eliminate fatigue as well as introduces relaxation.  Natural Alder wood offers a lightweight and durable material.

  • Natural Alder wood
  • Introduces fresh air into the sauna space
  • Helps eliminate fatigue
  • Induces relaxation
  • Smooth texture
  • Doesn't splinter
  • Doesn't secrete resin
  • Doesn't get too hot
  • Alder Ventilation Grille
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Model Alder Air Vent
Length 7.5" (190mm)
Width 0.5" (12mm)
Height 0.5" (12mm)